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The Wild Cascades is the premier journal of the North Cascades, featuring its people, places and politics – lively and unafraid to challenge the status quo. Published three times a year, it shares its name with the book The Wild Cascades: Forgotten Parkland, a Sierra Club Exhibit Format book by NCCC leader Harvey Manning, published in 1964, that was instrumental in the creation of North Cascades National Park.
We carry on the vigilant effort to defend the North Cascades, and invite you to read issues of our journal online in PDF format – just click on the current issue cover above to open it!
You can write to our editor at: wildcascades@northcascades.org We welcome submissions!
Back Issues of The Wild Cascades
In celebration of our 60th year, we’ve digitized many back issues! They are hosted by NPShistory.com and include many dating back to our founding.
Visit our Back Issues page!

The Wild Cascades journal began in 1961, following NCCC News which began publication with NCCC’s founding in 1957. A quick history of TWC is in our Spring 2011 issue starting on p. 12.
Also, we’ve scanned articles Joe Miller wrote for early issues of TWC under the pen name ‘The Kaopectate Kid’ from 1969–1979, and they’re available in a special collection in our archives. You can read the collection of these articles on the Advocacy: Who Was “The Kaopectate Kid?” page. Joe’s story of the restoration of Cascade Pass from the October 1991 issue is here.